Found this plant in an abandoned field, it was growing around a trellis. First question can someone identify it, and the second question is what would be the best way to propagate this plant? Regards.
It is a honeysuckle. Lonicera. Possibly Lonicera sempervirens.
Silver, thank's for the reply. Just wondering if you can give any feedback on the my question on propagating the plant.
Go back and have a careful look along the ground near to the main stem/trunk. With luck you will find a stem that has rooted into the ground.It is called layering. Often honeysuckle will do it all by itself. I am sure no one would notice if you were to dig a small rooted bit up! Replant immediately and water well. P.S. I only suggested this as you mentioned it was in an abandoned field. Some folk might look on doing this as theft. I think in this case it would be acceptable as you would not harming the mother plant. You could always ask permission first.
I've had luck taking cuttings from honeysuckle even in this season (not waiting for fall). Cut stems with five or six nodes (where the leaves come out of the stem) and place cut end into a pot filled with potting mix. You can get fancy and use seed starting mix but it doesn't seem to matter. Keep moist, not wet, and in light shade if the weather's hot. You'll know they've rooted when they start to form new leaves. I put two to a pot, three pots. Of the six I got three plants. keke
Thank's to all for the informative reply's, Silver, it is an abandoned field which no one lives on or near, if I thought other wise I would get permission. Regards to all