I have two plants that I can't seem to identify. Pictures are attached. If anyone can provide a few guesses, I would be very appreciative. Thanks! Also, the second plant seems to have some kind of fungus growing on it. Any thoughts on how that can be treated? Just this morning I washed all of the leaves by hand to remove the fungus. I'm hoping that will take care of it.
Ron, thanks for the identifications. I really appreciate the help. I was quite suprised to find out my outside plant was a form of fig tree. It sprouts late in the summer (august), grows very fast to about 3.5 feet and then wilts away in the winter. I wish it would start growing earlier in the summer so I could see the fruit. Any thoughts on why it waits so long to sprout each summer? Also, does anyone have any thoughts on the white fungus growing on my Kalanchoe blossfeldiana? I think it's hurting the plant and I'm not sure what to do about it. I washed all the leaves this morning and hopefully removed the majority of the fungus, but I don't know how to prevent it from returning. Thanks again for the help!