We have have a bush that is producing what looks like apples but, when cut in half they have like a pit and it's filled with small seeds that look like apple seeds. Anyone happen to know what it could be? I can try to upload a photo tomorrow if that would help.
Yes, some pictures will help. Otherwise, the only fruit that I can think of which looks like an apple, and which have seeds that you describe is quince.
I do think it may very well be a quince - thank you! The bush produces pink flowers with yellow in the center. These pictures are of a smaller fruit - wasn't a good pick for photos. But, here they are anyway, see what you think.
It's quince. Most varieties have very tart fruits and stringent without bletting (or at least the one's I have dared to taste.) Useful for making jam, though.
Back to the problem of common names! The true Quince is Cydonia oblonga. This has large, pear shape fruits.The flowers are white shaded pink. See.... http://images.google.com/imgres?img...microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7SUNA&sa=N Picture 3. shows fruit cut in half. Also referred to as Quince is Chaenomeles. The fruits on this are much smaller.The flowers can be pink, red, white or orange.See.... http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?i...v=/images?q=chaenomeles+fruit&um=1&hl=en&sa=N Your fruit look like Chaenomeles. Hope this helps.