I saw these trees at two locations in Honolulu. This first one is in Ala Moana Park. This particular tree isn't much to look at, but the masses of 6cm round samaras were very striking. This grouping is planted the length of the Sun Yat-Sen Mall along River Street in Chinatown. I think the third photo shows a branch, not just a huge double compound leaf. At the end of the branch, you can see that the leaves have the same alternate pinnate arrangement.
Thanks, Tony. Nice to have the name to be able to look up the flowers and read about the uses of the leaves and the wood. I see that the National Tropical Botanical Garden Meet the Plants page describes the fruits as being shaped like flying saucers.
Not my point, but now that you mention it they probably aren't. Unless India is from outer space. That does seem plausible.