The Unknown A (white flower/burgundy/maroon leaves) was labeled Cordyline 'Chocolate Queen'. I thought maybe Apocyanaceae or Acanthaceae. Have been unable to match to anything on the list for the appropriate bed. Unknown B - not woody, some limbs very tall to ceiling and some spread very far horizontally.
@davallia, I don't suppose you have anything however out-of-focus that shows how deep the corolla tube is and whether there are hairs on it, and the colour of the sepals?
It's not a plant I know, but these photos with the longish hairy corolla tube and the purple sepals are pretty convincing from photos google shows, not that there's any description to be found. One site (thegardengeeks) said "red hairs outside, purple streaks inside", but no photos at all show that.
Wendy - some blue/lavender marks are visible in the throat, but too deep to photograph. Flowers that have dropped to the floor have become transparent, so not visible there. Noted some red hairs around brand new buds, but no where else. I've actually seen the Nautilocalyx lynchii before, but leaf color was paler, sparser, and it wasn't in bloom. These plants were so rich looking. Thanks for all your help.