1 & 3 look familiar but I can't quite place them (very helpful); 2 is Mexican foxglove (Tetranema roseum [ http://www.photosbotanical.com/cat1069.htm ]); and 4 is a Dorstenia, probably Dorstenia uncinata ( http://www.photosbotanical.com/cat911.htm ).
3 is a 'double' Achimenes - like this one - http://www.flickr.com/photos/gesneriads/7943085720/ Why they think these are an improvement on normal Achimenes flowers is a mystery to me! 1 is some other gesneriad. I have seen it labelled there but cannot remember.
No, the visible leaf is not of Aeschynanthus type. Maybe a Sinningia sp. or cv. Have a browse in this website - http://www.gesneriads.ca/alphabet.htm