Here's another tree growing in my front yard. Thanks for any help identifying it. It has tiny white flowers in the spring.
Chris please can you add clear pics to show the fruits/seed capsules. Pic 1. So sorry Ron, not convinced that it is Hawthorn.
Picture one is more just showing the structure of the tree, the tree in question is in the center of the photograph. Picture two shows the bark and leaves more clearly. The seeds you are seeing is pacific ninebark. The question now is what kind of hawthorne is this. I have both english hawtorne and black hawthorne in my yard and this looks like neither. Maybe when it produces fruit it will be easier to tell what variety of hawthorne it is. Thanks for your interest.
It looks like a Pacific Crabapple to me, too, with some doubt regarding the size and shape of the fruits. I'm used to seeing more elongated fruits, and the size should be around 1 to 1.5 cm long. But it's hard to judge the size from the photos.
Various fruit shots are here (below) if Malus fusca is clicked on; somewhat oddly, they left out M. x dawsoniana. The spontaneous hybrid between orchard apple and Pacific crabapple. That can result in plants showing a general similarity to the latter but with fruits that are too big. For that matter, pure orchard apple seedlings (pippins) are pretty common anywhere fruits may have been tossed after having been gnawed on by Homo sapiens or gotten dispersed by other means. Search results - Burke Herbarium Image Collection