I had to have my beloved western henlock cut down due to a looper moth infestation and found this tree growing among the weigela. Some help identifying it would be appreciated. Thank you
Ash (Fraxinus). You had these (below) eating some of the leaves so you cut the entire hemlock down? Lambdina fiscellaria - Wikipedia
Thanks Ron, the caterpillars of the western looper moth had been attacking the tree for about four years slowly killing it until it was almost entirely dead and had to be cut down. If you look at Stanley Park from North Vancouver you will see lots of dead western hemlocks, also on the North shore mountains.!' A recent news article said 20% of the trees in Stanley Park are dead due to the western looper moth. In the past few years the moths have been abundant especially in North Vancouver where at night there would be ten of thousands flying around the ships I work on, all around the lights and all over the deck and floating in the ocean.