Sorry this picture is blurry, but does anyone know what tree these seeds may have come from? I'm just curious, because there's a ton of them mixed into the free mulch I got from the city, and the crows love them. They're about 1-1/4 inch (~3 cm) long, smooth, black, and bullet-shaped.
From that the thread has had 68 views, it really does look like that despite trying, no-one knows. Sorry, I don't, either! It doesn't even look slightly like anything I'm familiar with.
My best guess is magnolia. Here is a list of common street trees in CA: The only one there that fits is magnolia, of which several varieties are commonly grown in CA. This image shows the seeds of Magnolia grandiflora. After the composting process they would likely turn black. I know squirrels love them. Don't know about birds. The only problem is that they are not quite half the size suggested. "Seeds lenticular to narrowly ellipsoid, (9-)12-14 mm, adaxially slightly grooved" Flora of N. America Of course, coming from compost, we don't really know that they are from a tree.
Very puzzling! Hadn't really even considered it might not be a tree - that would certainly widen the possibilities and explain why it's such a hard one to figure out. Thanks for the attempt anyway, I suppose it will have to remain a mystery, unless someone stumbles upon the answer! :) I do enjoy watching the crows eat the nuts - they're very creative, moving the seeds over to the hard cement or onto the stepping stones so they can peck and pry them open... Makes me wonder who decided "bird-brained" should imply stupidity! They must never have seen a crow at work. ;) Lori
Just a guess, date seeds or pits, maybe 'Medjool' ? A Phoenix dactylifera seed cross section image is shown here
Thanks, Chimera - I found some images of the whole seed, and that's certainly closer to a match! Maybe I'll try opening one up and look inside. Though there seems to be a groove in the date palms seeds that these don't have. Good lead though - I did a search that also took me to this site: which showed some other possibly close matches, in particular the Colvillea racemosa looked pretty good, though sounds like it'd be too rare to be the one. Here's a pic of that one: Hmmm...
Maybe try planting some and see what comes up? It doesn't look like a date palm stone to me, they are brown (not black), and have a distinctly wrinkled surface texture (buy some dates to see for yourself!!). I'm not familiar with Colvillea racemosa, but that does look a better bet from the link you posted.