I have this small seedling growing under my Manitoba Maple in my front flower bed. Do not know what type of tree it will be. My first thought was an Oak, but am not sure. Can you help identify it please.
Yes, I'd agree that it's an oak, probably a burr oak (Quercus macrocarpa), given that they are commonly grown, and that not many other oaks are hardy in our area. Here's a burr oak seedling from our yard, for comparison:
Thank you very much. I first saw this and thought it was and then tried to look it up on the net and did not see any leaves that came anywhere near this shape. Your leaves have a rounded tip and these have a pointed tip. So, lets see what happens and hope that it is an Oak. Again thanks for your input.
Well, I see that Hole's was selling both red oak and swamp white oak this year - you might compare against those. Also, taking a walk around your immediate neighborhood, and seeing who is growing an oak (and ID'ing that tree) could be productive too. Squirrels and blue jays tend to "plant" the acorns - I suspect they don't go too awfully far from where they found the acorn. Hope that helps.
I'll go with the Bur oak. Red oak leaves are pointy and swamp white oak have deeper lobes. Happy Greener, your seedling is older than the one that abgardeneer posted. So the leaves are more pointy and developed. The older a tree seedling is, the more like the adult the leaves will become. And your seedling looks very much like a burr oak adult.