I just purchased a tree I have seen and admired growing in our area which grows 50 feet tall or so. It has oval shaped bright yellow/lime green leaves. Can you name this tree for me? Thanks
Your probably wondering why and how I would purchase a tree and not know its proper name. It was mislabeled - Maple Autumn Blaze........that can't be what it is though...... its got brilliant lemon lime colored leaves...... oval in shape....
uhm. need more info to be sure but... Robinia pseudoacaccia frisia? Gelditsia tricanthos sunburst? a picture would probably get you a definate ID in a short time.
Yes, Robinia pseudoacaccia frisia......is it! Thanks, I looked up images........ thank you very much... that's my tree.
I can't seem to paste one in here so go here I guess........ http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/...es-new/cultivars/robinia_pseudoac-frisia.html
wow, good guess on my part.... yay me. :) glad you were able to id so quick, hope it still fits the bill for the space you have it in. cheers, Paul