Saw this lovely tree, about 40' high and flowering (yellow) August 31, alas no identification tag! Bees were loving it, and as a beekeeper always on the hunt for late summer bee forage plants, I would like to know what the tree is, and have posted below photos of flowers and foliage:
Ah, thankyou so much for the ID! The Japanese Pagoda Tree! So lovely...does anyone know a local source of these trees?
Now Styphnolobium japonicum, after Sophora was broken up into several genera not closely related to each other ;-)
Did you know about this? I don't know the status of the update, presumably if he had gotten to it the above web page would say as much. But unless "out of print" indicates otherwise maybe there are copies of the original left, which should still be mostly applicable to the existing collection. If interested e-mail him and ask about it, he answers every and all queries made with normal courtesy.
Ron, I will source a copy of that book for next time I am wandering the gardens at the locks! Many things were marked, but more were not.