Hmmm... I'm leaving the last one on despite the lousy picture. It was much better on my phone. But if anyone can identify it from that picture, the amazing people on here can do it!!
Where in the world were pics taken??? 1. and 2. Looks like Lonicera sp....Lonicera involucrata ? lonicera involucrata - Google Search 3. and 4. Looks like Galium album...white bedstraw. galium album - Google Search 5. Looks like Pyrola sp. pyrola - Google Search
Yup, yup and yup! Thanks, Silver Surfer. Love having the Google search right there to click on! These were taken in central Alberta. All on the same property. Does this seem like an unusual collection?
Hmmm... I will have to do further study on the Galium as I can't find documentation showing that album grows here. Mollugo? Boreale? Palustre?