Here we are in Sacramento, California, a place we've never been before. We saw several plants that were utterly foreign to us .. I don't know where to even start to look. IMG_2062 looks like a small pear up to 5 cm. and they were on a small tree, about 10 meters tall; the red pods were on a small (5 meter tall) tree (IMG_2093), and the red and white flowers (IMG_2144) were on a 10 meter tall tree. I'm sure a local will recognize them immediately but I am not a local. Don, touring California
The California Capitol campus in Sacramento features an arboretum-like diverse concentration of sometimes spectacular old tree specimens, many (most?) of them with signs. It would be a fine thing if the approach to the appointing of capitol grounds that was taken there was standard practice.
We were there and spent about an hour wandering through that park. I'd say maybe 1/3 of the plants are labeled .. for someone like myself, I wish they were all labeled but no such luck. But the photos I posted earlier were growing in people's front yards, not in the park. And of course, no labels there at all. Also, as soon as I asked for help identifying those plants, we began seeing quite a few plants of each species in different locations.
Next time, go in to the State Capitol and ask for the tree tour map. You will be sent downstairs where you will talk with some very kind people who will have to dig through many files, but they will find a map for you.