I rescued this from a rubbish bin about 2 years back, repotted it and it has flourished. As you can see it has small star shaped white flowers with a small round orange centre which eventually form a small round green fruit, which over time turns orange. I at first thought it was a citrus of sorts but now doubt that, there is no citrus smell and the fruit is more like a plum, smooth skined and small seeds inside, attached to the plan same way as a tomato is. Recently it has began to look sick, the veins in the leaves turn yellow, eventually the rest of the leave follow, also it has numerous small, pin point yellow spots which grow. Some leaves have a sticky, shiny substance which has a distict gooseberry or maybe black current smell. This is a new disease, maybe from a small, grey / white thing which is almost invisible, but flies when touched.... mites? It is not under or over watered, but oh boy it has been hot and dry in Beijing, I wonder if air humididy is low? Also, the plant has been in the same bowl for a yer and the roots are showing through the bottom, incedently, wiht a whitish powder on them. So, time for a breath, can someone ID it for me, and suggest why it is going downhill. Oh, it has young plants from last yers fruit and they are quite healthy..... Thanks peter
Solanum capsicastrum or Solanum pseudocapsicum (very similar to each other, not easy to distinguish). Both are very popular houseplants. The fruit are NOT edible!
Wow! You ARE Good! Thanks Michele, I googled and you are right. But there's all look way healthier than mine... So, now I know what it is, still looking for a nurse!!