Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendron Garden including some unknowns for ID

Discussion in 'Ericaceae (rhododendrons, arbutus, etc.)' started by wcutler, Mar 13, 2021.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Apricot-coloured flowers with intense red centres, very large calyces slightly darker than the flowers, blooming mid-May
    This plant is taller than wide, leaves have no indumentum. The third photo shows a little skirt on the face of the flower, like it was thinking of doing a hose-in-hose but decided against it. This was today's favourite.
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  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Huge white flowers with red throat, red pistil with yellow stigma, white stamens with yellow anthers, red pedicels - Blooms mid-April
    In the month since this was in bloom, this must have grown in my mind, because I remember a huge tree with not only huge flowers (12cm in diameter) but trusses the size and shape of volleyballs. I barely recognized it in my photos, but I photographed the area where it grows, with the stand of giant Phyllostachys. These photos are from April 17.
    HugeWhiteFlowersRedBlotch_StanleyParkBambooGrove_Cutler_20210417_154353.jpg HugeWhiteFlowersRedBlotch_StanleyParkBambooGrove_Cutler_20210417_154419.jpg HugeWhiteFlowersRedBlotch_StanleyParkBambooGrove_Cutler_20210417_154436.jpg HugeWhiteFlowersRedBlotch_StanleyParkBambooGrove_Cutler_20210417_154605.jpg
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    There was a smaller individual nearby, closer to the Pooh Corner Daycare path.
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    By April 29, the flowers were gone, but the impressive red pedicels remained, standing upright now. Those flowers must have been heavy.
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    And May 14:
    RhododendronHugeWhiteFlowersRedBlotch_StanleyParkBambooGrove_Cutler_20210514_152551.jpg RhododendronHugeWhiteFlowersRedBlotch_StanleyParkBambooGrove_Cutler_20210514_152558.jpg
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Rhododendron augustinii - purple flowers - Blooms late April, so can this be it?
    I posted R. augustinii at UBCBG at April 2021 in the Garden - Rhododendrons, particularly noting the fuzzy leaf backs. This very striking tree is on the Pitch and Putt course in Stanley Park, at the northwest corner, looking perfect on May 13/14 - everyone putting nearby stops to photograph it on the way to the next tee. I was reluctant to give it this name because most R. augustinii were blooming two weeks ago and are looking pretty well finished now, and also because it didn't seem very hairy. But I see that the shrub I decided was the R. Electra Group in the Park Board brochure is also hairless enough that I didn't photograph it the first time I saw it: Appreciation: - Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendron Garden - the Parks Board 50. And I finally found some hairs in my photos on this one.
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    By way of comparison, here is a hairier and fuzzier-feeling R. augustinii at the next corner of the golf course, outside the fence.
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  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Exbury azaleas - Fragrant yellow, orange, peach, pink, white, red flowers - Blooming mid-May
    The Stanley Park Azalea Path is starting to do its thing. There are some Rhododendron occidentale mixed in, which I have just learned to identify (see Appreciation: - Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendron Garden - the Parks Board 50). Those are almost hairless by comparison, particularly the leaves. But they're just as fragrant. I can imagine smelling these as I'm typing.
    I am definitely not going to name these, but anyone who wants to is welcome to do so.

    I'm pushing the season a bit here, so the first photo I've included is from May 22, 2012.
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    Acerholic likes this.
  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Deep red flowers, dark green leaves - Blooming mid-June

    This shrub stands out from its neighbours, with its deep red flowers and dark green leaves. I don't know the descriptive words for the leaves - they're tough, not smooth (rugose?), and they are curled under on the margins, and there is a slight indumentum that can be rubbed off. The flowers have very black speckles on three lobes, red pistil and translucent pink stamens. I'm not sure about stigma and anther colours - they're black in all my photos. There are teeny red calyces and red pedicels. Leaf bud scales are cream-coloured.

    I have been unable to photograph this without both my cameras lightening the colours, so I have brought home a flower and looked for photos that seemed to be that colour. This is the photo used in the Park Board brochure for R. 'Royston Red'. Dave the head gardener seemed to know that cultivar, said it was removed and there are none now, so I'm not suggesting this is that cultivar (though the flower does look very similar, but I have no idea what the tree looks like), only that the colour in the photo is very similar to what I brought home. The colour for R. 'Henry's Red' at Henry's Red Rhododendron looks right, but photos of that show speckles on only one lobe. Nova Zembla Rhododendron (monrovia.com) photo colours and speckles are not that convincing, but I just explained my problem getting the colour right, so maybe, though the photos of the flowers and leaves here look totally different Nova Zembla Rhododendron (Rhododendron 'Nova Zembla') in Vancouver Victoria Burnaby Penticton Coquitlam British Columbia BC at GardenWorks. I saw this later in the West End and recognized it as being very similar, except that the leaf I examined had no indumentum.
    Rhodo Royston Red2021-06-17_21-58-05.jpg

    The Stanley Park tree, at the bottom of the Camellia Path.
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    Here is the West End tree.
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    Last edited: Jun 19, 2021
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Deep red flowers, dark green leaves - Blooming mid-June, continued
    Here are some photos from these shrubs at the end of June, developing fruits, old and new leaves.
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  8. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Pink flowers - Blooming June-July. Need to find R. 'Aladdin' and R. 'Azor', have four candidates - Pink1
    Rhododendron 'Aladdin' and R. 'Azor' are both described as late blooming trees with pink flowers. They are shown on the map in the same location, and descriptions have noted that they look similar, and they both have one parent in common. There are three different pink-flowered rhododendrons in this area, with another one across the pathway.
    The parentage of 'Aladdin' is griersonianum x auriculatum.
    The parentage of 'Azor' is griersonianum x fortunei ssp. discolor.

    I am certain that the trees I have called Pink1 are one of these, mostly because there are so many of them. The first ones to bloom had very pale flecks on the upper petals, while the later ones did not, but otherwise, they looked the same to me. The Park Board document says for 'Aladdin' "watermelon-coloured flowers"; one website says "light salmon-pink, deepening to bright vermilion in their throats". Note that 'Azor' is described in the Park Board document as having "salmon-pink flowers". The Park Board document says 'Aladdin' is highly unusual in being scented and blooming in early summer. One website says 'Aladdin' has no fragrance, and there are actually more than my four candidates with pink flowers in June and July, but at least they're in different locations and I'm ignoring them.

    Photo dates are in the photo names. I have been following these since mid-June.

    I am favouring Pink1 to be 'Aladdin', for its flowers with very pale markings or no markings, thin brown indumentum, hairy stems. The flower and leaf bud scales are pinky-purple. The flowers I measured were around 8.5 - 9.5 cm wide and a little less deep. Leaves were around 20cm on all of these.

    Head Gardener Dave says ones near the golf course fence are R. 'Akbar' (which I also see called Akbar Group). A photo at Rcv. Akbar.jpg (1200×901) (rhodyman.net) shows red speckles on the flowers. So I may have two cultivars here.
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    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
  9. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Pink flowers - Blooming June-July. Need to find R. 'Aladdin' and R. 'Azor', have four candidates - continued: Pink2
    There is only a single one of these trees, so I thought it less likely it would be one of the ones featured in the document, but there are several shoots coming up from the ground (I think they are from the ground, and not a very low branch - I didn't walk through the ground-cover to see what exactly is going on); maybe there were more of these that were cut down. The new growth matches the one tree. These have a much deeper funnel than Pink1, seeming to be deeper than wide, though they measure around the same 10cm in both directions. There are definite speckles on the flowers, though I'm not sure I would identify the colour as brown. The bud scales are a creamy yellow colour, not purple. It seems more hairy. I don't have my story straight on the indumentum - I noted that there seemed to be none in one photo, yet indumentum similar to Pink1 in another photo.

    I have read that 'Azor' is a grex, so should be noted as Azor Group. There are several descriptions around noting how much variation there is in the appearance, including the number of flowers in the truss, flower colour and the leaf shape, size and shininess (one site said narrow shiny leaves but showed a photo of wide matt leaves). The colour of this is the same as for Pink1.
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  10. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Pink flowers - Blooming June-July. Need to find R. 'Aladdin' and R. 'Azor', have four candidates - continued: Pink4
    I am skipping to Pink 4. It was the last of these four to bloom, but it is right next to Pink2, so is in the same area as indicated on the map. It's the only one of the four with a different colour to the others, closer to what I would have called "salmon-pink", definitely not watermelon-coloured, so I would say this cannot be 'Aladdin'. It also has red calyces, not mentioned anywhere in a description of 'Azor', nor shown in any photos. Is that outside what could be included in the Azor grex? The leaves are a little shinier than the previous two, and the petioles have very few hairs. Pedicels are red. If not for the pesky calyces, I'd have called this a good candidate for 'Azor', being much closer in colour to the description, and also to one photo I saw that was apricot-coloured.
    Edited July 15, 2021: I wrote " so I would say this cannot be 'Aladdin' ". Head Gardener Dave thinks this is 'Aladdin'.
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    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
  11. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Pink flowers - Blooming June-July. Need to find R. 'Aladdin' and R. 'Azor', have four candidates - continued: Pink3
    This is across the magnolia path from the others, and set back a bit, not where the marker is, but it's close. It was one of the first of these four to bloom and kept its flowers for a long time. The flowers looked smaller than the others, but they measured at around the same 10cm across though not as deep. I would have ignored these, except that they were so noticeably pink and there are several of them. The bud scales are a creamy yellow. They are not as hairy over-all. Hairs everywhere are short.
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  12. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Rhododendron 'Mars' - Red flowers, white stamens and pistil, blooming early May
    Photos are in postings #22 and #25.
    I finally got to ask Head Gardener Dave if we have R. 'Mars', and it turns out he remembers 'Mars' being on the list just where the Ceperley Meadow tree is, the one in posting #25.
  13. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
  14. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Pink flowers - Blooming June-July. Need to find R. 'Aladdin' and R. 'Azor', have four candidates - continued: Pink4
    This is not in bloom now in July, 2023, but I was so attracted to all the hairs glistening in the sun. I looked up 'Aladdin' again and have come across a photo at Rhododendron 'Aladdin' - at Loder Plants, RH13 6PP (loder-plants.co.uk) that I think shows, though not clearly, coloured calyces, so I'm going to go with Gardener Dave on this one, and I will copy info from posting #35 to the thread with the ID'd rhodos in the brochure.
    RhododendronAladdin_StanleyPark_Cutler_20230713_155430.jpg RhododendronAladdin_StanleyPark_Cutler_20230713_155444.jpg RhododendronAladdin_StanleyPark_Cutler_20230713_155606.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  15. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Apricot-coloured flowers with intense red centres, very large calyces slightly darker than the flowers, blooming mid-May (continued from posting #26)

    "Apricot-coloured"!! I am pretty sure that what I am posting here is the same plant from three years ago, but it is not apricot-coloured now. I think I remember the location; the shape from the side, with the path next to it, the ground-cover plants surrounding it; the hairs on the flower stems, the shape of the coloured calyces, the dark flower centres, the look of the woody stems, all those things are convincing me that it's the same individual. Even my naming it today's favourite. There are hardly any leaves now, and what few there are do not look healthy, though there are a few emerging leaves. Maybe the flowers are so pale because the plant is not healthy? Or, I wonder if those apricot-coloured flowers would have faded to the colour I'm seeing now.
    Rhododendron-pink flush with coloured calyces_LagoonDrNelson_Cutler_20240511_163742.jpg Rhododendron-pink flush with coloured calyces_LagoonDrNelson_Cutler_20240511_163802.jpg Rhododendron-pink flush with coloured calyces_LagoonDrNelson_Cutler_20240511_163818.jpg Rhododendron-pink flush with coloured calyces_LagoonDrNelson_Cutler_20240511_163827.jpg Rhododendron-pink flush with coloured calyces_LagoonDrNelson_Cutler_20240511_163841.jpg
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    This is the closest I saw to apricot-coloured.
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