I was going to say I wanted the name of this because it's so distinctive that I always know when I'm seeing it, but now, actually, I don't know if this is all the same tree or two different ones. What strikes me about this is that the flowers seem much longer than they are wide, like a narrow deep funnel, but they measure 10 cm from the base to the tip and across the front. Maybe it's that they don't flare out until the tips. Here is the first one I photographed on June 8. And the same tree today: Originally, I thought this next tree right next to the one above is what I had seen before, didn't understand why there were no coloured calyces in my photos. So, different individual, flowers with coloured calyces and red pedicels. But the flowers look the same and the hairs look the same, and the leaves look the same, to me. Well, maybe these leaves are a little flatter. They didn't look convincingly different at the time. So, is it something recognizable? Or two things recognizable?