Hello everyone, we just got back from sunny Florida and are interested in learning about their plants. i took a couple of pictures and would love some help identifying what they are. thanks a mil, Mo see the following pics. the first two are of a flowering bush the second two are of a tree. We could not find a 'gardener' type of person to answer the question of what these are while we were down in Marco Island. The flowers are on a deciduous bush. we saw some close to the ground, maybe 12" high and others that were near 5' high. The tree has pods that are similar in color and make up as the pods from a locust tree. But the pods are heart shaped instead of long and narrow. I have several that I picked up and can take a pic of them if needed.
The pods on the pea tree would be helpful. At least, so far, we can exclude royal poinciana (Delonix regia), which is flowering right now, anyway.
Whoa, i think you are correct. that looks exactly like the pods that we picked up. i will take a pic for you and post it. sorry for the late response. we have been landscaping the yard. thank you so much. mo evans
The first tree is a mimosoid legume that's been flowering recently (you can see the small yellow powder-puff flower heads). I suspect Leucaena, which has straight pods. Ear pods mean it's an earpod tree. http://www.florida.plantatlas.usf.edu/Plant.aspx?id=1330