The article referenced in the post by @wcutler, Propagation: - hoya kerrii - growth / yellow leave, is a good read for those considering the purchase of a Hoya kerrii plant/cutting. The article, Hoya kerrii leaf cuttings – Laidback Gardener, contains information which every buyer should be aware of before making a purchase. I suggest a title such as "Hoya kerrii: Read before buying."
@Junglekeeper, I think your heart is in the right place. I saw these Hoya kerrii today at a greengrocer's shop in my neighbourhood. But I don't think we need the pinned thread, at least at this point. For one thing, people buy these things on the spur of the moment, before coming here to read up on them. And for another, there have not so far been a large number of postings about these. We'd only want to have pinned threads for items of major interest.
I though it would be right thing to do but like you say, these are often impulse purchases made by unsuspecting individuals. Just look at the price. Outrageous.
They are in sweet little jardinieres, similar to votive candle holders. They're worth 2 or 3 dollars retail. And there are the little red hearts too. :)
Nevertheless it's more flash than substance. I'd rather have a Pilea peperomioides from the next tray.