Re: Please help identify flower! I bought an absolutely gorgeous plant over the weekend and even the nursery couldn't tell me what it was. They referred to it as a snowflake. It grows very much like a strawberry with the trailers that have individual plants all the way down the vining stem. The leaves are small and slightly furry with stark white bell shaped blooms. The blooms have an almost frayed edge. I want to know what it is and how to care for it. I am assuming that like a strawberry it needs alot of water but would appreciate any help--asap. Thank you so much. Fern ( a really good name for a plant lover don't you think...............and it's real )
Potentilla comes to mind. There is a "Snowflake", but I don't know if it has runners. Nurseries selling plants they don't even know the name of...What is this world coming to?