strange pink hairy plant

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Unregistered, May 26, 2004.

  1. i have a strange vine like climber that has grown from a orangepip or lemon[that is all that was planted in pots]. it has large dark green leaves 6 inches long by 4 wide shaped just like a child draws a leaf. it has fluroesent pink hairs all over it, grown over 2 feet in 2 months it is getting bigger, strong stem, died off in winter back again only growing faster, what is it?
  2. hungry hippo

    hungry hippo Active Member 10 Years

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    That is most odd. I can't think of any citrus that has either that growth habit or fluorescent pink hairs on the leaves.... are you sure that there were no fragments of previously potted plants either in the pot or the potting medium? One relatively common houseplant that springs to mind with hot pink hairs on dark green leaves is Gynura.... does it look anything like this??

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  3. zinzara

    zinzara Member

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    Port Coquitlam, BC
    Kiwi vine?

    I have one in my garden and it's the same, quick strong growth, impossible to kill off, fluorescent pink hairs all over.

    Do a Google search and see if that's it.

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