State of the World's Plants and Fungi: Kew Annual Report

Discussion in 'Plants: In the News' started by togata57, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    New analyses this year show that 39.4 per cent of plants are at risk, meaning estimates have doubled in a mere four years

    Just 15 plants provide 90 per cent of humanity’s food energy intake, and four billion people rely entirely on three crops – rice, maize and wheat

    The report says there 7,039 edible plants which hold potential as future foods

    There are also 2,500 identified plants that could be used for fuel or bioenergy

    This year is the first time the global State of the World’s assessment has compiled new fungi species along with new plant species discovered in the previous year

    In total, the authors found 1,942 plants and 1,886 fungi were named as new to science in 2019

    State of the World's Plants and Fungi | Kew

    Two fifths of the world's plants 'at risk of extinction' | Daily Mail Online
    Daniel Mosquin and wcutler like this.

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