Not a match. According to RHS...Stargazer..."Stately sprays of fragrant, deep pink flowers edged in a delicate white line" Quote www....."Stargazer is an oriental hybrid, red with deep maroon spotting, flushing to a white border." Buy lily star gazer Lilium 'Star Gazer' Lilium 'Stargazer' - Wikipedia
Stargazer lilies are enormously popular in the commercial florists' trade. Lilium 'Stargazer' - Wikipedia
I am with Margot - no idea - there are so many and - also - the plant stores (even Costco and supermarkets - sell packs of mixed scented lilies - so who knows Basically — is it blooming now in Vancouver BC? Is it scented? Then you know (if it is this shape, as well) that it is likely “oriental” lily (vs Asiatic) I took some pix of Stargazer outside here today - these blooms are approx 8 inch diameter - and same warning about yellow pollen staining everything it touches applies. Florists trim those yellow pollen bits with scissors. As you can see - it fades from the initial deep pink/ white - then petals fall off and you let leaves die back naturally til next yr
Thanks G.S. It was raining when I took the photos, too busy with the camera rain cape to smell, anyway, it was in an enclosure with no access to visitor, only able to shoot from the periphery !
I notice one of my lily labels says “star bright, star light” That said - I would take that as a “marketing” label Basically it’s an “oriental” lily And very lovely Easy to grow I grow mine in container w well drained soil Keep out of deer grazing area
Hmm, it's certainly possible (I did plant a lot of Stargazers...) but it's quite a tall one and my understanding is that Stargazers are generally lower to the ground. I also planted quite a lot of Blue Wonders in that area, and it looks very close to the stock image on this site so that's my guess! Lily 'Blue Wonder' | Thompson & Morgan
I asked the question above in the linked-to thread (use the up-arrow next to my name to get there). The photo Xi-feng posted is two postings above that.
One of the handiest (wholesale) references to remind me of what the tattered label I left out all winter says ... T This is because this brand Florissa seems most commonly avail at the nice well stocked garden centres each spring here in Canada West. (I don’t know back east or USA)
Thanks for that reference @Georgia Strait. I'll be adding it to my list of great links. My sister was a florist and I always remember her when I hear about Stargazer lilies - what an inspired name!