Hi, Could someone please tell me what this is? It is growing in rocky ground on edge of woodland in Clarke County northern VA. I thought Solidago as there are some species with narrow leaves growing in the vicinity, however, this plant doesn't seem to be developing a stem so I was thinking maybe Arabis but if it is Arabis I can't tell which species as the only sources of ID I can find show mostly plants that have bolted or basal rosettes at a distance! Maybe it's not Solidago or Arabis? First 3 pics are from same plant, 4th pic is of another plant that seems to be growing secondary leaves around the basal rosette. Thank-you!
Thanks Ron...but flowering stems of what species? And I am a novice...are you saying they are flowering stems because they are taller than the plant shown in the 4th pic or is there something else I should be looking at?