There is some plants growing in a disturbed area near me ( I am in MO). The flowers are small (1.5cm diameter including rays). The "petals" are white and the "button" is yellow. There are probably 30 petals per "button" just guessing. Each plant includes a lot of flowers. The plants are probably waist high, the only leaves of any size I have noticed are toward the bottom of the plant. The flowers close up at night. Any idea what these plants could be?
You know, there have been several very good books published on the flora of Missouri. You should go to your local library and see for yourself. Also the Missouri Botanical Garden is one of the best in the world. You should check them out also.
Yes Hermit they do look like those flowers. However, daisy fleabane is supposed to have 40+ rays per disc and phildelphia is supposed to have 100 rays per disk. This plant has less than those numbers. What parts of the plant should I post photos of to help? Any spefic notes I could take?