This shrub has been growing in the back yard for several years. I assume it was put there by the landscaper, so it is there by design; however, all this time, I've never known its name. All assistance is appreciated.
Oh, sure, ask us in the winter! :) There are people who can do this, but I'm not usually one of them. What colour are the flowers? How big are they? Do they open flat or are they somewhat tubular? Do they grow in a group, or one-by-one? When does it flower? I would guess Escallonia, but I'm not feeling all that confident of that.
Oh, and I should have asked if the flowers are fragrant, which these would be. I hope now that I've been introduced to this that I start seeing it everywhere. It looks like a nice plant. Thanks for posting it, @DavidB52.
Somewhat curiously this page leaves out how distinctively impressive the floral fragrance is but otherwise presents various details of interest. Osmanthus delavayi - Trees and Shrubs Online
Well, on the 4th line, it does say "Flowers fragrant", and it does say "one sees it every April almost hidden by its wealth of scented blossoms." I like that the page referenced distinguishes this from Osmanthus heterophyllus that does not have terminal flower clusters, while this one does.