Hi everyone, We just moved to Louisiana from the desert and I am completely clueless about any plants. We have small children and I want to be sure they stay clear of anything dangerous. I've been doing a lot of research and I just can't seem to find anything I'm truly comfortable with identifying it as. This tree is growing among bamboo and is currently approximately 6-7 ft tall. The bark is very smooth and has two main trunks that look like a V, but you can tell they are a part of the same trunk at the base. It's an evergreen plant as all my oaks have dropped their leaves yet this shows no sign of browning. The leaves are toothed and are about 2" long and 1/2" wide. They appear dull with no waxy coating. All of the berries seem to grow in the middle of the branch with a tuft of leaves at the very end of the branch after the berries. The berries are bright red and very small likey holly berries. They are firm yet fleshy and can be bursted if squeezed with moderate force; the juices are yellow. If there is anything else i can provide you with to help please let me know. I don't have home internet access yet as I just moved in this weekend so I'm having to post one picture at a time from my phone. Tried to rotate the photos but they seem to keep posting in landscape so sorry bout that. Thanks in advance for all input Close up of berries. Leaves Scale reference Branch Bark Trunk
Thank you so much guys!! I'm certain it's Ilex Decidua. I bet I'd find some leaves on ground if I looked, or it may just not have gotten cold enough down here to turn. Thanks again!