I took this picture at UBC in April. If someone could identify the plant for me I would appreciate it very much!
No need to get them mixed up. The latest molecular work suggests all plants formerly known as azalea are now proper rhododendrons.
Genus Rhododendron, comprising over 1000 species, is currently organized into subgenera, sections and subsections. All azaleas are rhododendrons, with deciduous azaleas belonging to subgenus Pentanthera and evergreen azaleas to subgenus Tsutsusi. So "all plants formerly known as azalea are now proper rhododendrons" is correct only to a point. It certainly looks like an azalea.
If you can give some idea of where the photograph was taken (I suspect by the parking lot?), I might be able to give you an answer on what kind of rhododendron it is. Or azalea...