I bought this shrub 3 years ago. It attracts butterflies or hummingbirds or both. It dies out in the winter and comes back each spring. For the life of me I can't think of the name of this plant. You can view it here I hope. http://community.webshots.com/album/146274959yCnmma?47
Hi Janet, Do you have a better quality photo? Maybe it is just my computer or web connection, but the photos on that website were very pixilated (if that is even a word!) and hard to make out. I'm guessing that is why nobody has been able to offer any positive identification. It almost looks like a Spiraea in growth habit, but the leaves and especially the flowers are too blurry to really tell.
Hi Hungry, I'll try to take a better pic of it. I think it looses something when it's resized and the format is changed. It took me forever to figure out how to put the pics on the webshots page it wouldn't take bmp format unless I did it wrong. Janet
Hi Hungry, I took another pic this time I didn't change the name, size or format. Hope this one is better to see what it is. Janet
HI everyone, Find the name of the plant its a Hamelia Patens Firebush. Thank you for helping me. Janet