Hello, I got these for Salvias at the beginning of summer and 3 out of the 4 of them are flopping over. They have more tender leaves with very little flowers on them. One of the 4 seems to be growing normal. They are all on a drip irrigation system and have received little fertilizer other than what was already in the soil. All of them are receiving the same care so I'm not sure why 3 of them are growing that way?? I wanted to post this here to see if maybe 3 out of the 4 are a different variety? I also wanted to see why they seem to be flopping over and have a less hardy stature. The ones that are flopping over seem to also be more attacked by bugs. They have huge leaves compared to the "normal" Slavia. Hope someone can help!
Are they getting enough sun? The flowering one looks to be in more light in your photos, but I can't really tell what the situations is from here.
Almost certainly 2 different kinds (and if you want to confirm, provide a side-by-side photo of the flowers (or flowering heads) of each).