I found this in two locations in Stanley Park, almost certainly planted by the Park Board. I am encouraged to post it for ID because I recognized it the second day as what I had just seen the day before in another location, and by @Michael F saying in a different thread that with more info he might offer an ID suggestion. The single flowers are around 11cm in diameter; almost all leaves have five leaflets (I did see one with seven), with the terminal leaflet more rounded and a bit larger than the others. Prickles were small, not cat-claw-like. It is very fragrant. The underside of the leaves is pretty close to the colour of the top surface. Location 1 - top of the camellia path. Second location - Lagoon Drive at Nelson
Thank you! I looked it up to make sure that wasn't a joke, but yes, that's really the name of this well-known, widely-distributed (maybe popular is a more appropriate word) rose. Several sites have indicated that it's probably a canina/gallica hybrid. Rosa Complicata - shrub rose (garden-en.com)
Thanks for the interest, Pat. Alberta wild rose seems to be Rosa acicularis. Leaf margins are quite different from those in the photo just above. Also the surface colour and shininess. And the most popular number of leaflets and the shape of the terminal leaflet. The flowers on that are supposed to be 3.5–5 cm in diameter - these are closer to 11cm. This definitely had a cultivar look about it. I saw four or five different single single pink roses at UBCBG yesterday.
I would love to have a true Alberta rose in coast garden for AB prairie spouse here I can see how @hiking Pat saw resemblance Your photo (Wendy) at Lost Lagoon (Stanley Park Vanc) reminded me of AB rose too
They look pretty similar to me too, but I'm trying to be really picky about details, when I remember. I just saw a young woman looking at the one I posted. She asked me if it was a wild rose and showed me a photo from some app. It's really hard to get an idea of size from a photo.