rose identification

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by lainyg, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. lainyg

    lainyg Active Member 10 Years

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    abbotsford, BC
    We have over 130 roses and only a few of them have nursery tags. I'd love to learn more about them so any help identifying them would be greatly appreciated. There are some real lovelies here!

    Picture #1 was taken in April but I'm not sure it's actually a rose as it has no thorns. It's a tall narrow plant about 6' tall and the leaves seem like they might be evergreen.

    #2 smells heavenly (actually, they all do!). It's a tall shrub about 6'

    #3's canes look fuzzy but the thorns are quite long, thin, and razor sharp. Handle with care! The petals are crinkled like tissue paper. The plant/shrub is about 7' tall.

    #4 just bloomed in the last couple of days. The plant is about 5-6 feet tall.

    I noticed the red bloom in #5 had opened when I got home from work last night. It's a long stemmed beauty as pretty as any you'd see in a florist's bouquet. The plant is about 7' tall.

    #6 is a small more than 2" on a vine-like plant that's about 10' tall.

    #7, 8, & 9 are from the same plant. The bud looks like it was dipped in white paint but when the rose opens it's a nice bright pink. I almost thought it was some kind of disease! It's a small more than 12" - 14". It's currently being hidden by one of my mystery plants.

    I think #10 is the same as #2...I'll have to look tomorrow to get more info on it.

    I'm hoping to get these all identified and tagged so I don't have to rely on my memory! I know I haven't got anything in the pictures for size reference...I'll try to take some more pictures with a ruler tomorrow :)

    Thanks again!

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    Last edited: Jun 2, 2012
  2. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    # 4 looks like Double Delight, but I'm far from sure. Mine is just starting to bloom.
  3. Lila Pereszke

    Lila Pereszke Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Budapest, Hungary
    3. Rosa rugosa

    (I think the others are hybrids / cultivars and it is impossible to ID them... :(((
  4. Silver surfer

    Silver surfer Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    1. Looks like a Camellia.

    This site lists 7500 named roses.

    I agree with Lila, with so many roses to choose from, it is almost impossible to accurately name a Rose from a pic. For so many reasons... colours not always true from pics.,many roses look very similar, cannot smell them etc etc.

    You need an expert in roses to help. But is the name really important?

    Just enjoy them.
    They are ALL beautiful!
  5. lainyg

    lainyg Active Member 10 Years

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    abbotsford, BC
    Thank you, I will check out that, the name is not really that important (after all, a rose by any other name is still a rose :)

    My biggest concern is knowing when to prune for the best health of the plants. As a newbie, it's a little overwhelming. There just aren't enough hours to do all the dead heading that's already needed and it's only the beginning of June!

    There are some very mature plants here (more like trees than bushes!)...and many of them could be healthier so I think this year it's going to be all about seeing what we have then everything is going to get a good hard pruning and start anew. I really don't need roses growing up outside my 2nd story bathroom windows!

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