Ok, support for this wasn't overwhelming. I liked Eric's idea in another thread though - an Indoor and Greenhouse Plants forum with perhaps one subforum for orchids and another for cacti / succulents. Thoughts?
I like it. If it goes ahead, consider making the 'Indoor Plants Identification' a subforum of the new one.
I like it. If it goes ahead, consider making the 'Indoor Plants Identification' a subforum of the new one. I'll go along with the above. I see no problems with an indoor and greenhouse forum. An orchid and cacti subforums sounds good to me. How about a Spring bulb or just a bulb forum sometime that may also contain tubers and rhizomes - Lilies, Iris, Peonies, Dahlias to name a few. Jim
Done and done. I've expanded the bulbs suggestion and made bulbs a subforum of perennials. Added indoor plants ID to the new indoor and greenhouse plants forum along with the new orchids and cacti forums.