For a couple of years now, we've allowed moderated posts from unregistered guests and from those who have not confirmed their email addresses on the forums. This has meant more work on the part of myself and Eric to both moderate and approve posts, but we did so with the notion that it allowed more people to participate. However, as the forums have grown, maintaining this system has become more laborious. Upcoming changes are going to mean even less dedicated time, and rather than take away from our ability to participate in discussions, I've chosen to decrease the workload for us in terms of moderation (at the expense of losing the insightful anonymous comments). Beginning Feb. 24, 2006 and running to at least mid-April, 2006 (and perhaps longer), registration (including full email confirmation via the activation emails) is now required to both start a new thread and post a reply. See this thread for an explanation of what can and cannot be done.
I concur, the forum should be reigistered and accounted for. This is a tremendously invaluable web site! Thankyou!
I don't see why you wouldn't register if you really needed an answer to your problem. BTW, what happens after mid-April, 2006?
I return from vacation, so I could theoretically return to moderating unregistered posts. Unfortunately for those folks, I'm enjoying the decreased workload.