red leaved kousa

Discussion in 'Cornus (dogwoods)' started by carbluesnake, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. carbluesnake

    carbluesnake Active Member

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    nacogdoches texas
    I have just planted a Kousa dogwood that is known as "vari-red". It is reported to have red leaves during the summer.I have planted it in a place that will get filtered light all day except for maybe an hour of direct sunlight. The nurseryman I got this tree from says it is new and has not been released to the public. Anyone know anything about said "vari-red"?
  2. Gordo

    Gordo Active Member 10 Years

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    Camano Island, WA
    Wildwood Farms Nursey in Kenwood, CA is offering Cornus kousa 'VariRed'. According to their online description - "The medium sized leaves are variegated in shades of rose." I would be curious to see if the leaves turn a true red or whether they hold their color through the summer - maybe you could post a picture next year. A couple other varieties are described as having similar coloration, but mainly on new growth.

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