Hello, These berries grow close to our cabin located in the central part of Minnesota, not far to the east from Mille Lacs Lake. It reminds me of a cloudberry from northern Norway, but the plant and color are not the same. The plants grow in a cluster and have three green doubly toothed leaves. Does anyone recognize it? Is it edible? Thank you.
How about Rubus pubescens http://www.northernontarioflora.ca/description.cfm?speciesid=1005057 http://wisplants.uwsp.edu/scripts/detail.asp?SpCode=RUBPUB
I have wondered. Is there any fruit that would be confused with Rubus fruit? Are there any plants with non edible aggregate fruit that look like a Rubus? I am thinking whenever I see a fruit like that it is edible and probably tasty. The only fruit that comes to mind at all is Blitum capitatum (Chenopodium), but that is edible if not tasty (to me).
Mulberries can also be confused with Rubus fruit by those not familiar with them, but again, edible and often delicious.
Hydrastis canadensis has a fruit that looks rather like a raspberry. Although the plant is used medicinally it is toxic. I would not want to eat the fruit. You would have to be fairly clueless about plants to make that mistake though.