Just came back birding from Point Roberts, WA, this morning. As there were not much sea birds, took some plant shots. This series are from a roadside bush, 12 feet high. Looks quite like red currants, one size bigger, but most likely not.
Yes, Viburnum edule : E-Flora BC Atlas Page One of these days we'll get you to the point where you write "As there were not much plants, took some bird shots" :-)
If Daniel checks I think he will find that the Point Roberts plant is actually the Eurasian Viburnum opulus var. opulus. It has the terminal heads of many fruits of that species, whereas (as can be seen in the photo at the page he linked to) V. edule produces axillary clusters of often few fruits.
Thanks all for you enthusiastic response. Sure, if no one objects, a show off of birds may be a good idea !