
Discussion in 'Forum Announcements and Feedback' started by Daniel Mosquin, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    I think it is obvious to anyone who spends some time on these discussion forums that there are many, many stellar individuals who are not affiliated with UBC and yet freely give of themselves to help others, share their work or thoughts or share their photographs.

    I have to admit to feeling a bit guilty because I've not much to offer to all of the selfless individuals who have taken the time to offer a piece of themselves. These people seem to be driven by rewards such as the satisfaction of helping another as we all try to better understand and appreciate this green and blue world we all share, or thank yous or a snippet of praise, because it certainly isn't the money! (there is none)

    I want to share a few numbers: this forum launched on July 27, 2001. By late May 2003, 500 threads had been created. The end of 2003, 1750 threads. Today, 5326 threads. This place is growing, and much thanks must be given to those that are a huge part of it.

    I'd like to also cite a few people (well, more than a few) for recognition, using number of posts as a guide. My cut-off was an artificial number - @45 posts - but the list contains quite a few of the people who stand out in my mind.

    They are:

    • jimmyq
    • mr. shep
    • Ron B
    • Elmore
    • Chris Klapwijk
    • dbookbinder
    • PG Greenthumb
    • Newt
    • Denis
    • Ralph Walton
    • hungry hippo
    • Junglekeeper
    • whis4ey
    • lkliewer
    • John Farrer
    • mjh1676
    • PlantExplorer
    • Wes North Van
    • Palm Nut
    • Joan
    • Ali
    • Bill
    • CcDry

    To all of you especially, but also to all who participate, please accept my humble thanks.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Do we all get free garden admission?
  3. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Okay, when is the picnic so we can match faces
    with some names? It would be good to meet these
    people sometime.

    Ron, based on all the good you, Paul, Brad, Chris,
    David and Doug and others have done in these
    forums, some of you guys should be entitled to
    get a free pass in pretty much any time you wanted
    in, if the decision was solely mine to make. Too
    bad or in my case perhaps a good thing most of us
    are a long ways away.

  4. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    A picnic would be really nice. It would be fun for everyone to meet. Garden passes...well I can ask, but in light of our tight budget, that might not work for us. (I will point out that the UBCBG is free for half the year [the rainy half].)

    I do want to repeat Daniel's thanks. The forums would not be very interesting without all your expertise. I am constantly amazed by what people know about plants and by how much they are willing to share.

    Thank you all!
  5. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Ron and Jim,

    I hope it's not too disappointing to hear that I can't even offer that (free admission).

    You've heard about "the little engine that could"? Well, sometimes I like to think of UBCBGCPR as "the little garden that does", because we do a lot with very little. This is a bit flippant, but I can't help but be a little envious when I see a major botanical garden in the US spend as much money on a parking lot as would fully fund UBCBG for 10 years. I don't know any of the issues in that garden's case, but I do know a few things of what UBC could do with a similar sum of money for our "mission pillars" of research, education and community...

    I think UBCBG also has a philosophy of being accessible; and that accessibility ranges from inexpensive admission prices ($6 CDN / @ $4.75 USD for 7 months of the year) to the open discussion of this issue on a public forum.

    Given that we try to keep the garden accessible to as many as possible, and yet stretch those dollars that do come in to maximum benefit, I'm not comfortable trying to design a system for rewarding participation on the forums that has any financial benefit, small though it would be.

    Some might argue that UBCBG receives a financial benefit from those who contribute freely, and I'd be hard pressed to rebut that argument if everything was perceived "bottom-line, dollars and cents". But these forums aren't about that - they're about plants and people who are enthusiastic about plants. No ads. No nags for donations (as tempting as it is sometimes), other than a soft ask for people to support the garden in my signature and in the UBC Garden Links dropdown that presently link to pages asking people to become a member or help promote the garden. And, as a general rule that I've broken with this post because I haven't been able to think of any other way to explain why I can't even offer free admission, no mention of the garden's relative finances, because that isn't on topic and betrays what these forums are for.

    Having said all that, I will offer to you (and anyone else) that if you come to see me at the garden to meet and talk, that I'm far more likely to want to talk in the garden - and in that scenario, yes, your admission would be free (unless you wander in to the garden of your own accord before meeting me, and I'm looking at you, Paul!).
  6. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Daniel:

    Don't worry about it. I know how certain things
    work. Besides, Paul owes me a cup of coffee
    anyway. Perhaps at the next trade show if I am
    allowed to come in. Hmm, just remembered
    my passport has expired so I have my own
    "house" to get in order. It is best to leave things
    as they are with no special treatment given out,
    nor any favors expected. Fairness to all and
    everything on an even keel is how things should

    Hey Ron, since we cannot get in free what plant
    do you have interest in. I have mine picked out!
    I am just kidding.

    Thanks for all of your help, Daniel.

    Best regards,

  7. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    I admit, I did stop in to say hi to Daniel and I asked one of the ladies at the gate where he was, they said they had seen him in the garden so I paid my entry fee and had a stroll to look for him, after wandering the whole garden I found he was hiding in the hort building after all, I still havent taken the time to spend a day in the library there.... one of these days, so much knowledge just sitting there waiting to be read.

    As for the thanks, I also pass along a hearty thanks, I am constanty amazed at Ron B's ID skills, Mr Sheps wisdom and others that post regularly to try to offer advice. I am grateful for the chance to learn from all the members here and I try to offer back what may be of service.

    And yes, I did mention once that I would buy a coffee for Mr Shep if he makes it around these parts, offer still stands, might even have to get it out at the garden!

  8. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    I see: if you want to find out where Daniel is you ask a woman. They're always keeping track of where he is, are they? What a rogue!

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