Wildflowers: Purple alpine bell flower in Romania

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by mihaiv, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. mihaiv

    mihaiv Member

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    Bucharest, Romania
    I have photographed the alpine wild flower linked in Bucegi Mountains (part of the Carpathian mountains), Romania.

    The flower is small (less than 2 cm), purple, with 4 petals and looks like a grass (less that 20 cm stem).
    The altitude was 2000 meters. The time was at the end of august. The climate is temperate continental.
    My best identification after searching is Marsh Bellflower (Aparinoides). But the marsh bellflower has 5 petals and my flower has 4, it could be an accident though. What do you think?
  2. Robert Flogaus-Faust

    Robert Flogaus-Faust Active Member 10 Years

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    Dreieich, Germany
    This is very probably a Campanula species. As far as I know, Campanula corollae have mostly 5 lobes. If a corolla has 4 lobes you were lucky (as with a clover leaf with 4 leaflets). :-) This can happen. Anyway I do not believe that you actually found Campanula aparinoides. As far as I know the corolla should be very light colored, almost white (see e. g. the "Flora Europaea" and http://www.luontoportti.com/suomi/en/kukkakasvit/marsh-bellflower ). Campanula patula looks exactly or almost exactly like your flowers. I cannot be sure, however, that you found some species which I do not know from Central Europe and of which I cannot find any really reliable photographs on the web (e. g. Campanula romanica or possibly even Campanula sparsa). Best regards, Robert.
  3. Andrey Zharkikh

    Andrey Zharkikh Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Although, it is difficult to see (the last picture is the best), but the second flower, with the side view, has 5 petals.

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