Needed a kumquat tree for a our tea shop and I searched the net. Couldn't be found anywhere due to restrictions. Went searching on the local ads (craigslist, nextdoor, offerup) and came across a lady that was selling a kumquat tree. But after testing the fruits, I've realized it is not a kumquat tree. It's more of a mini lime. A super dry lime at that. Fruit has no juice, outer peel is very thick and hard to peel. Unlike normal Kumquat / Calamansi fruits which have soft peels and are very juicy. The fruit from this tree has an odd shape. Never seen a citrus with ridges and more of a flat oval than around or tall oval shape like lime. See images. 1st photo. Top: Fruit in question Bottom: Calamansi 2nd photo: Top: Calamansi Bottom: Fruit in question 3rd and 4th. Fruit in question. Weirdly shape! What in the world is it?
I had a kumquat tree several years ago. Its fruits, when ripe, were orange, not green. Maybe your fruits are not ripe? That could explain thick, hard to peel outer peel and lack of juiciness. The shape is odd for kumquat, I have to admit.
Yeah, not sure what it is. But the rounder fruit are calamansi. The oblong shaped one is the one in question. The outer peel is also very thick and not soft like kumquats peels are.
It's too small to be a Mandarin. Plus the peel is very tough and hard like a lime. The Calamansi a hybrid between a kumquat and Mandarin.
According to the seller, these were grown from seeed..... So we have no idea what it is. Kumquat hybrid