Hey there, Im quite fond of plants and gardening and nature in general but since I have only developed a relatively recent interest I may need some expert advice and help from time to time from your good selves! So... here I go! Ive uploaded a few pictures I mainly want to know what the purple flower is with the stamen (It think thats the right word) in a swirl. Maybe my questions with the other flowers is like asking a mathmatician what is 2x2 but oh well haha. Thanks.
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? okay Ill put the pictures in after Ive been here for 5 days and done 5 posts. Surely it wont take long?
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? It shouldn't be a problem. There should be plenty of room to upload your posts. I think the limit is 10MB for new users.
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? Hi Studentguy - you say you've "uploaded a few pictures" - if they are already on a website of your own, just post the link to the website where you have them uploaded Otherwise, 4 days and 3 posts to go . . .
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? Actually, it's one more post and one more day -> I didn't alter the written accompaniment to How to Attach Images to the new 2 days + 3 posts from the old 5 days + 5 posts. I've changed it now.
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? Aw thanks thats great! I bet your looking forward to seeing what these plants / flowers look like? Well its funny you should say about putting them on a website, everyone keeps droning on about the website www.myspace.com but Ive tried about 30 or so times and I cant sign up for an account there??? weird eh? Ill post my photos as soon as poss though, many thanks for changing the rules!
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I took them with my 8.1 MP camera haha.
Re: Can anyone Identify this flower? Another possibility is to open up a free Flickr account. You can upload large images and it will resize them for you, which sounds like the problem in this case.
(since this has morphed into a "How to Use the Forums" thread, I've moved it there - please start a new thread in the plant id forum once you've everything sorted out). Also, a link for Flickr: Flickr