This has got to be distinctive enough for someone to peg it pretty easily - just way out of my range of ferns and cycads! This fellow popped up out of nowhere not too long ago, and has put on 6' of growth in less than that many months. It's woody, so I don't know if it's a tree or just a tough weed. Very interesting lad, though. If it's OK by me when the ID comes through, I'll probably dig it and pot it; otherwise, it's mulch. I prefer to give everything that pops up in my yard a chance, right up until it's designated 'annoying,' as is the case with the so-called "weedy strangling bastard" (Trumpet vine). :-D Humming birds apparently love it, though I've never seen a one in my yard, and I suspect the damn vine would just choke them out if they came anywhere near it... I have a hundred or so Sabal minor, though, thanks to letting nature take its course. ;-)
No kidding? Doesn't look anything at all like the other Mulberry's that have popped up this year! They all looked more like they had fig leaves...
Wish it was a Maple! This is actually a Sweet Gum growing straight up from a root off of the mother tree 30' away. Got tired of cutting it down every few weeks, so I've let it go the last few months and put ferns under it. ;-) Will have to chop it again, though, as I can't have it eating through the side of the house, foundation, roof...