Pretty Mystery!

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Rima, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    Hi, I'm not sure if what I have is even an in- or an outdoor plant (may be one of those hanging basket things which need to come in for winter, but I don't really know). The entire plant (stems and all) is a bright fuchsia - sort of a fiery dark rose. Stems haven't gotten woody and want to fall over, tho' I'm using a little lattice to hold them (pot's inappropriate for hanging anything... I didn't realize they probably should have been allowed to hang all along, so kept propping them up). Leaves are first rounded ovals with points, then become more heart shaped with slightly elongated points (but no heart 'indents' at stem) of 1" give or take. They come off the stems in pairs of leaves, then stems grow about an inch (out to the leaves). Leaves are thin, almost translucent in light, and veining is visible. I've clipped foliage over the summer and leaves do come back in a bit smaller. Believe me, if I had a cam, you'd have a picture! Thanks for any guesses!
  2. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Coleus? Around here it's been a popular indoor plant for decades, now being sold for bedding planting outdoors. Comes in innumerable colours, including pink. Blooms rarely.
  3. wrygrass2

    wrygrass2 Active Member 10 Years

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    Spokane, WA, USA
    If no camera, you might try taking a stem to the nearest scanner and try to get a picture that way. Harry

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