I let a little weed in the garden go to flower, and here is what I got. Glad that I didn't pull this one, but now I have no idea what it is. Tried the keys in the Flora of Alberta, but no luck. Does anyone know what it is? And can anyone recommend where I might try keying an incidental occurrence like this when I can't find it in the local flora? The flowers have 12-13 stamens, and 3 stigmas. There are 4 sepals in a regular kind of shape, and the corolla is obviously irregular and spurred. The leaf photo that I have attached is from near the base of the plant. Overall the plant is about 30cm tall. the floers are maybe 2-3cm across, and the leaf is about 3-4cm across. Thanks for looking everyone!
One of the pink-flowered morphs of Consolida ajacis. The European Garden Flora is generally the reference we use for these sorts of things, but it is not widely or commonly available.