We recently planted three pontentilla plants...two yellow and one white. All three are in bloom. I am seeing growth coming from the bottom of both of the yellow plants that have a different shape of leaf than the parent plant. I thinking these are weeds, but was afraid to remove them if it was part of the potentilla. I truly can't tell. The white plant doesn't have any of this strange growth. Do potentilla have two different types of leaves? I will laugh if these are weeds!! I'm definitely a novice gardener!! Thanks so much. (If they are weeds, they are of a variety I have never seen before.) We bought the plants at our local garden store.
Can you post a photo? The leaves on strong young sprout shoots of Potentillas can be slightly different to those on older flowering shoots, but not markedly so - usually just a little larger.
Sorry, I'm not computer savy enough to post a photo. We went out today and pulled them up. I believe they were weeds as I first suspected. Thanks!