can anyone please point me in the right direction for this flower, it may be invasive in riparian habitats.
Wow! you guys are good! If I have any other weird ones I'm coming to you! About it's invasiveness - apparently it is invasive in New Zealand, it takes over wet habitats AND it has been banned for sale. We will be getting rid of it. Visit link below for more details cover.pdf Thanks so much for your help.
leps - is there any particular reason you think it might be invasive (e.g., notable expansion of a population near a local river from one year to the next)? It may be that in a garden situation, this plant behaves itself, but in a riparian situation (like you've noted), it quickly gets out of control. If that's the case, I think it'd be valuable information horticulturally-speaking for you to share your observations and rationale for others to learn from.
The gentleman that brought it to our attention has been trying to get rid of the plant for three years and it just keeps coming back. Attached are a few images from his yard. The plant is creeping along the creek and has moved into his flower beds and is out competing his ornamentals in the flower bed. We have had sightings further downstream as well so it has definately moved.
I'd be interested in checking it out for myself if any of the riparian areas are publicly accessible, to perhaps photograph it and document it. Could you send me an email or a private message, if that sounds possible? Any idea of rate of colonization downstream?
rate of colonization - far to scientific for me, it has just been noticed downstream in a local golf course.
leps, please tell us where in Langley this is, we might be able to stop its spread before it's too late.
Chris, I'm in email contact with leps, and I think I might take a field trip out that way this weekend if I can find the time. Want to join in? Daniel