This poll is for you heavy contributors, particularly for people who are not already into Likes in Facebook or Instagram. There is a Like button now. If you contribute a requested ID, and the requestor accepts your ID and would normally reply with a posting saying only "Thank you", for which you would get an email notification, would you be happier to just have the Like alert, which means you know there is no reason at that point for you to go back to that thread?
Prefer to read response from poster. On the thread. My point in reading a thread, and responding to it, is to share knowledge and gain it, not to accumulate 'likes'. Often an ID is not a 2-post sequence (one question, one answer=done): rather, many members post their opinions/educated guesses before the final ID is made. I find this interchange to be interesting and educational, and far more desirable than a button-click. In answer to your question: No.
Thanks. My inclination would have been to click the Like button, since you don't really need a response here, just a confirmation that I appreciate your reply. But that seemed rude after your posting!
I think either would be okay as an acknowledgement for the contributor. However using 'Like' to thank someone is problematic if the intended receiver has not configured his/her preferences to receive such alerts. Also, if a thread is not concluded with some sort of acknowledgement from the OP, it remains an open question for a third-party reading the discussion.
I just noticed that a message appears at the bottom of a 'liked' post to record that fact so my response above is somewhat off-track.
Well, I think if your own question was answered correctly, a "thank you" post would be appropriate to show respect to the poster of the answer. I think the like button is more apprpriate to signify that you agree with the opinion expressed in the post. For example: Michael F responds to an ID request with the correct answer and I click the "like" button rather than making a post saying that I agree with him.
Well I voted "thank you", because it seems only common courtesy to thank someone for a direct answer. A thank you is appropriate from the person who's question you answered, whereas liked would indicate agreement with the response from other posters. I don't doubt that there will be usage differences and if someone responded with a like I certainly wouldn't take it poorly. -E
A system with both provides the opportunity for courtesy (thank you posts) and an opportunity for others to express appreciation for a well-written post, be it for facts, opinions, or extra effort.