It is similar to Cassia tora / Sickle senna the leaves are same with an apex the flowers are also similar but the fruits / pods are in abunch of 4-5 short and stout attached pics.
Not personally familiar with Cassia in any form but in a cursory search, found two facts. One, for others looking for this plant, that there are 40 species found in India, a few listed on this page. 4 species are defined there and the following quote from that page lists others. Two I found this picture of C. senna that shows the intermediate stage of the seed pod that somewhat resembles yours. Could it be that your plant's seed pods are just not fully developed? Harry
Could be Cassia fistula. Do a google and compare with your actual plant- I only looked at the first couple of references and it looks similar. Regards from UK Malcolm
You may need a botanical manual, such as a flora to nail this down. A university library would be a good place to look.