I have this plant in our front garden and I like to have more of it but I cant find it in any garden centers around here. Maybe if I am able to identify the plant, it'll be easier to find where I can source them. Any help will be much appreciated.
This appears to me to be one of the whipcord Hebe species, possibly Hebe lycopodioides Can you give an idea of its height?
It's about .5 m in height. I really couldnt tell coz it's been overcrowded by the erica and the pinus plants. I want to have more of this in the garden but seems difficult to find.
The link you sent looked very similar. I have sent a letter to the UK RHS weeks ago for help but never got a reply. I have also checked the Dutch garden plants encyclopedia but it's not there. Thank you for your help. I can now start to search for source or ways to propagate.
Does it bloom, if so when and what does it look like? But either way, propagation techniques are similar across most plants and one of the standard methods is bound to work - mainly cuttings or layering. Try both, you have nothing to lose.