This sprung up in the middle of some Plumbago in a shaded spot of the mulched garden. We're in a woodsy location in eastern PA. I've tried to ID it using Google and Black Ash is as close as I can find. It's main stem is fuzzy on this very new plant (tree?). From this pic can you tell what it is? It's just about 10"H now. Thanks so much.
Ah, sumac. That was another guess but I didn't know the real name and couldn't find any good pictures. The obvious question is how do I know it's not the poisonous kind? Thanks for the quick response.
My understanding of Rhus typhina, is that the sap can cause a skin rash in some people. To be on the safe side wear gloves while removing it. It is the poison ivy, Rhus toxicodendron, that is the really nasty one. To be avoided at all costs. See.... Hope this helps.
Ok. I will. Here is a close up pic if anyone can tell if it's poisonous sumac. Thanks again for your help.
Rhus toxicodendron , poison ivy, always has leaves in 3s. There is a rhymn which goes something like... "Leaves in 3's, let it be". See.... Poison sumac, Rhus vernix, has smooth edges to the leaflets. See....
So, the smooth edges versus the jagged edges is the clue. That's very important to know. Thanks so much.